Learn Arabic Language

Learn Arabic Language: Discover 200 Common Arabic Words for Everyday Conversations

Two people greeting each other in a modern Arab city, showcasing common Arabic greetings. Learn Arabic language to connect with locals and enhance your cultural experiences.

Learn Arabic language with ease! Whether you’re a beginner or looking to expand your vocabulary, this guide is your ultimate resource. Discover 200 common Arabic words for everyday conversations, and start speaking Arabic confidently in no time. From greetings to essential phrases, we’ve got you covered!

Key Takeaways

  • Arabic is a Semitic language spoken by millions worldwide.
  • Greetings in Arabic often involve handshakes and honorific titles.
  • Arabic numbers are written from left to right, and time is typically expressed using the 24-hour clock.
  • Traditional Arabic cuisine includes dishes like hummus, falafel, and kebabs, often accompanied by mint tea.
  • When asking for directions in Arabic, use polite language and be specific about your destination.

1. Greetings and Introductions

Common Greetings

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
مرحباً Marhaban Hello
السلام عليكم As-salamu alaykum Peace be upon you
كيف حالك؟ Kayfa haluk? How are you? (to a male)
كيف حالكِ؟ Kayfa haluki? How are you? (to a female)
أنا [اسم] Ana [name] I am [name]
وأنت؟ Wa anta? And you? (to a male)
وأنتِ؟ Wa anti? And you? (to a female)

2. Numbers and Time

A teacher explaining Arabic numbers and time expressions to students in a classroom. Learn Arabic language to master essential vocabulary for daily interactions.

Numbers 1-10

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
واحد Waahid One
اثنان Ithnayn Two
ثلاثة Thalatha Three
أربعة Arba’a Four
خمسة Khamsa Five
ستة Sitta Six
سبعة Sab’a Seven
ثمانية Thamaniya Eight
تسعة Tis’a Nine
عشرة Ashara Ten

Time-Related Vocabulary

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
ساعة Sa’a Hour
دقيقة Daqiqa Minute
يوم Yawm Day
أسبوع Usbu’ Week
شهر Shahr Month
سنة Sana Year

3. Food and Drink

Common Dishes and Drinks

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
كباب Kebab Grilled meat skewers
حمص Hummus Chickpea dip
تبولة Tabbouleh Parsley salad
شاي Shai Tea
قهوة Qahwa Arabic coffee
ماء Ma’a Water

4. Directions and Locations

Common Phrases for Directions

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
أين [مكان]؟ Ayna [makan]? Where is [place]?
يمين Yamin Right
شمال Shamal Left
قريب من Qareeb min Near
بعيد عن Ba’id ‘an Far from
سوق Souk Market
مسجد Masjid Mosque

5. Common Phrases and Expressions

Essential Phrases

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
شكراً Shukran Thank you
عفواً Afwan You’re welcome
من فضلك Min fadlak Please (to a male)
من فضلكِ Min fadliki Please (to a female)
إن شاء الله Insha’Allah God willing
ما شاء الله Masha’Allah As God has willed


6. Family and Relationships

A warm Muslim family gathering, sharing love and faith, as they spend quality time together. Perfect for those who want to learn Arabic language and understand Islamic family values.

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
أب Ab Father
أم Umm Mother
أخ Akh Brother
أخت Ukht Sister
صديق Sadiq Friend

7. Shopping and Bargaining

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
سعر Se’r Price
تخفيض Takhfeed Discount
فاتورة Fatoora Bill
نقود Nuqud Money
شراء Shira’a Purchase

8. Travel and Transportation

Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
مطار Matar Airport
قطار Qitar Train
حافلة Hafila Bus
سيارة Sayyara Car
تذكرة Tazkira Ticket

9. Work and Education

In this category, you’ll find words related to work and education, which will help you talk about jobs, studying, and daily skills.

Arabic Pronunciation English
عمل Amal Work
وظيفة Wazifa Job
اجتماع Ijtima’ Meeting
مشروع Mashru’ Project
تعليم Ta’leem Education
مدرسة Madrasa School
جامعة Jami’a University
كتاب Kitab Book
قلم Qalam Pen
طالب Talib Student (male)
طالبة Taliba Student (female)
معلم Mu’allim Teacher (male)
معلمة Mu’allima Teacher (female)
فصل Fasl Classroom
امتحان Imtihan Exam
واجب Wajib Homework
بحث Bahth Research
تدريب Tadreeb Training
مهارة Mahara Skill
نجاح Najaah Success

10. Health and Emergencies

These words will help you talk about health, emergencies, and medical care.

Arabic Pronunciation English
صحة Sihha Health
مستشفى Mustashfa Hospital
طبيب Tabib Doctor (male)
طبيبة Tabiba Doctor (female)
ممرض Mumarrid Nurse (male)
ممرضة Mumarrida Nurse (female)
دواء Dawa’ Medicine
صيدلية Saydaliya Pharmacy
ألم Alam Pain
جرح Jarh Wound
إسعاف Is’aaf Ambulance
طوارئ Tawaari’ Emergency
حادث Hadeeth Accident
علاج Ilaaj Treatment
جراحة Jiraaha Surgery
عيادة Iyaada Clinic
فحص Fahs Check-up
وصفة طبية Wasefa tibbiya Prescription
تمريض Tamreed Nursing
صيدلي Saydali Pharmacist

11. Technology and Communications

A person using modern technology to access online resources, highlighting the importance of digital tools for those who want to learn Arabic language and connect with new cultures.

In this table, you’ll find words related to modern technology and communications, which will help you talk about phones, the internet, and electronic devices.

Arabic Pronunciation English
تكنولوجيا Tiknulujiya Technology
هاتف Hatif Phone
كمبيوتر Kombyuter Computer
إنترنت Internet Internet
بريد إلكتروني Bareed iliktruni Email
تطبيق Tatbeeq App
شبكة Shabaka Network
كلمة مرور Kalimat murur Password
شاشة Shasha Screen
لوحة مفاتيح Lawhat mafateeh Keyboard
فأرة Fa’ra Mouse
طابعة Tabi’a Printer
كاميرا Kamera Camera
فيديو Video Video
صوت Sawt Sound
رسالة Risala Message
مكالمة Mukalama Call
تحميل Tahmeel Download
رفع Raf’ Upload
تحديث Tahdeeth Update

12. Nature and Environment

These words will help you talk about nature, the environment, and natural elements around us.

Arabic Pronunciation English
شمس Shams Sun
قمر Qamar Moon
نجم Najm Star
سماء Samaa’ Sky
شجرة Shajara Tree
زهرة Zahra Flower
نهر Nahr River
بحر Bahr Sea
جبل Jabal Mountain
صحراء Sahara Desert
غابة Ghaaba Forest
طقس Taqs Weather
مطر Matar Rain
ثلج Thalj Snow
رياح Riyah Wind
تربة Turaba Soil
بيئة Bi’a Environment
تلوث Talawwuth Pollution
طاقة Taaqa Energy
حيوان Hayawan Animal

13. Emotions and Feelings

In this table, you’ll find words that express different emotions and feelings, which will help you talk about your mood or the feelings of others.

Arabic Pronunciation English
سعادة Sa’aada Happiness
حزن Huzn Sadness
غضب Ghadab Anger
حب Hubb Love
فرح Farah Joy
خوف Khawf Fear
قلق Qalaq Anxiety
تفاؤل Tafa’ul Optimism
إرهاق Irhaaq Exhaustion
راحة Raaha Comfort
أمل Amal Hope
إحباط Ihbat Frustration
فضول Fudool Curiosity
شوق Shawq Longing
تعب Ta’ab Tiredness
ارتياح Irtiyah Relief
فخر Fakhr Pride
خجل Khajal Shyness
دهشة Dahsha Surprise
امتنان Imtinan Gratitude

14. Colors and Shapes

These words will help you talk about colors and shapes, which are useful for describing objects around you.

Arabic Pronunciation English
أحمر Ahmar Red
أزرق Azraq Blue
أخضر Akhdar Green
أصفر Asfar Yellow
أسود Aswad Black
أبيض Abyad White
بني Buni Brown
وردي Wardi Pink
برتقالي Burtuqali Orange
رمادي Ramadi Gray
دائرة Da’ira Circle
مربع Murabba’ Square
مثلث Muthallath Triangle
مستطيل Mustateel Rectangle
نجمة Najma Star
قلب Qalb Heart
سهم Sahm Arrow
خط Khatt Line
نقطة Nuqta Dot
شكل Shakl Shape


Learning Arabic opens doors to rich cultural experiences and meaningful connections. By mastering these common words and phrases, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate everyday conversations in Arabic-speaking countries.